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The 1897 John Scott Medal awarded to Emile Berliner for the invention of the Gramophone


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Emile Berliner received 3 major awards for scientific achievement in his lifetime, all from the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia. These were as follows:

1. 1897 The John Scott Medal - awarded for the invention of the gramophone.

2. 1913 The Elliot Creason Medal - awarded for his contributions to the field of telephony and sound reproduction

3. 1929 The Franklin Medal - awarded for signal and eminent service in science


Of these three  major scientific awards, only the John Scott Medal was specifically in recognition of his invention of the Gramophone. The John Scott Medal is awarded by the Franklin Institute to men and women whose inventions improved the "comfort, welfare, and happiness of human kind" in a significant way. Here is Emile Berliner’s John Scot medal which was one of his personal and prized possessions. Measuring 4 inches in diameter it is a very large and imposing medal.IMG_7368.thumb.jpeg.cb3f1a1588cc97e6add1a388db114b3b.jpeg







One can see how large this 4 inch medal is when sitting next to a nickel for size comparison.





Edited by Mlund
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Mike, that's a stunning and historically-significant artifact.  There aren't too many items in this field that can be accurately described as one-of-a-kind, but this is certainly a prime example!


Thanks for posting this wonderful item.


George P.

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Thanks George. It is a pretty amazing piece of Berliner history that gives me chills to hold it in my hand.

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