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December issue of The Antique Phonograph journal


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Just to keep APS members updated on the upcoming December issue of The Antique Phonograph: for the 18 years that I have been editing the journal I have always tried to complete each issue around a month before the cover date so that the printer would have plenty of time for pre-press setup, printing, binding, printing mailing labels, sealing it in a poly bag, pre-sorting, and getting it to the post office in a timely manner. In turn, that left USPS two or more weeks to do their processing and get it to readers (more or less) on time. Obviously, we have zero control over what happens once it's in postal hands, and as earlier threads have indicated, the post office is not always reliable in fulfilling their part of the deal. Still, most readers would receive their copies within a week or so before or after the cover date.


We handled the December issue in the usual way, but we ran into an unanticipated roadblock: after many years of working with the same, family-run printer in Wisconsin, who gave us excellent and reliable service, the owner rather abruptly decided to retire and sell his business to another (much larger) printing company. We were repeatedly assured that we would enjoy the same level of service under the new operation, in their larger and better-equipped facility. The new company has all of our old files and basic details. We are awaiting the newly printed issue to judge the print quality, but we quickly learned that as a large outfit with many customers, at a very busy time of year, the rapid turnover we have long come to expect was not met.


The bottom line is that the December issue was not handed off to the Post Office until November 24th, about two weeks later than usual. As a result, barring amazing postal efficiency, readers can expect to receive their copies slightly later than usual -- probably toward mid-December rather than around the 1st. 


But -- it will be worth the wait: the issue has been expanded from the usual 52 pages to 60 to accommodate 12 outstanding articles, with some amazing new research and discoveries.




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On 11/30/2021 at 12:18 PM, phonogfp said:

Look what arrived in my mailbox today - November 30!


George P.



Still waiting here in Buffalo! I'm usually a day behind you, so I was hopeful mine would arrive today. Ah well, hopefully tomorrow. 



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Mine arrived today. I never expected the post office to be this efficient, especially at this time of year. And I'm equally impressed by the print quality. The new printer really came through, which bodes well for next year.

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