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  2. nippers_lounge

    Barney Google-Jones&Hare :1923

  3. Another video uploaded today in the video section of the forum HERE
  4. RodPickett

    IT's COMING!

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  5. Steve, you really should add a Polyphone to your collection someday!😁 A stunning collection of unusual Edisons. Those two Model E Gems are quite a pair. (I'm kicking myself for not buying a Model E Gem offered by Gregg Cline at Schaumburg in 2022.) You really like the early stuff, which is right up my alley. Thanks for posting your beautiful collection! George P.
  6. I guess you can call me a narrow minded Edison collector. I keep the number at about 18 +/- 2 machines. I use the dining room for most of my machines. Have a few others scattered around the house. The only non-Edison is an Aretino Machine which was obtained by my Great Grandmother. I just completed the Eclipse after a 6 year search for a cabinet and ballast resistors. The marroon Gems are both Model E types. The one on the left is a normal Model E and the one on the right is a International Correspondence School (ICS) Model E geared only to play 2 minute language cylinders at 160 RPMs. Thanks for looking, Steve
  7. The 2nd Auction of the Don Gfell Estate Collection, April 3, 4 & 5, 2025, now also includes the collection of Salvador Velez Garcia. Click HERE for more information.
  8. nippers_lounge

    QRS Portable phonograph

    I did manage to find a buy a second QRS portable phonograph. A model 15, that did not come with a soundbox, but was able to find one on eBay. I have posted this photo on the forum, just not on this thread.
  9. nippers_lounge

    QRS Portable phonograph

    Here is my first QRS record.
  10. An amazing survivor playing the record that describes it the best.
  11. I watched the video and I have to say that you picked the perfect record to play. She really is a beauty and sounds great. Thanks for sharing.
  12. Yes, go to the video section of the forum HERE.
  13. BruceW

    Wanted: Columbia BNW horn and tone arm elbows.

    Thanks for the link. Since these are rare as hens teeth I am going toggle it a shot and see If I can modify this one to work on my project. Bruce
  14. Great presentation, thanks for sharing. Bruce
  15. A comic song on Edison 9558 released in April of 1907. The song is from the musical production "A Parisian Model". Information about that including a list of the musical numbers may be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Parisian_Model . Ah, the good old days....... Billy Murray - In Washington .wav
  16. phono-phan

    Celebrating Edison and his Favorite Invention.

    Thanks for posting. It looked like a great event. Thanks for all your efforts in promoting this great hobby.
  17. Tinfoilphono

    Celebrating Edison and his Favorite Invention.

    That's great. I wish I were close enough to attend.
  18. Earlier
  19. Did you ever get around to making a demo video? The Stromberg Carlson produced amazing machines and yours is one.
  20. melvind

    Celebrating Edison and his Favorite Invention.

    What a wonderful event. I wish I could have been there! Thanks for all the work you do for the hobby!
  21. phonogfp

    Celebrating Edison and his Favorite Invention.

    Good for you Joan and Robin! That's certainly the best way for a youngster to be exposed to antique talking machines and the Edison legacy. You just never know when the seeds you plant will sprout! George P>
  22. Edison’s birthday offers a prime opportunity to celebrate and present his favorite invention to the public. On Saturday, Feb. 8th we gave demonstrations in the Victorian parlor of Hearthstone House Museum in Appleton, WI. We provided music during the day and in the evening, we portrayed Edison jobbers to an audience of perspective clients. In attendance was Noah with his grandmother. Noah was one of the youngest attendees at the APS MME show. He and his grandmother plan on attending the 2025 show. Birthday cake and coffee from an Edison percolator was served as everyone sang “Happy Birthday.” The following Tuesday (Edison’s birthday) we presented a program of “Invention and Innovation” to an eager group of fourth graders. Our grandniece solicited our services for her class history unit featuring Edison! The presentation gave her the opportunity to share her Madame Hendren talking doll with the class. The talk and demonstrations of cylinder and disc phonographs was enthusiastically received.
  23. What a fascinating machine! I'm especially amazed that it was originally set up only for 2 minute records. In the early days, ICS machines were promoted for both education and entertainment. At this late date, buyers had to forego the latter option. Great restoration!
  24. phono-phan

    New to me: The Victor Toy Phonograph

    I am curious if other examples of this phonograph have the horn seam on top.
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